Permainan hina ikon agama ditarik kembali | |||
Penerbit permainan itu, Molleindustria dari Italy, tindakan tersebut ekoran permainan itu mendapat bantahan keras oleh masyarakat Islam. “Hari ini, selepas satu kenyataan rasmi daripada Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam (OIC), kami memutuskan untuk menarik kembali permainan Faith Fighter itu daripada laman web kami,` Jurucakap (OIC) berkata, permainan itu `sengaja mengapi-apikan serta menyakitkan hati golongan Islam dan Kristian serta akan hanya mencetuskan perasaan tidak toleran. Beliau menggesa hos Internet permainan itu supaya `mengambil tindakan segera` dengan menariknya balik daripada laman webnya. Molleindustria sebaliknya berkata Faith Fighter bertujuan menjadi satu permainan yang menentang sikap tidak toleran dengan menggunakan ironi dan kartun. `Faith Fighter menggambarkan dengan cara yang agak tidak sesuai secara politik mengenai agama-agama utama, sebagai satu tindak balas kepada satira rasa gerun terhadap Islam dalam bentuk kartun-kartun Muhammad yang disiarkan oleh Denmark sebelum ini,` katanya. (Source: Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Faith Fighter” game unites religions in outrageFaith Fighter is a punch-up game for one or two players which involves bouts between Jesus, Mohammed, Ganesh, Buddha, Budai, and God Himself. According to its developers, Faith Fighter is the ultimate fighting game for these dark times. Choose your belief and kick the shit out of your enemies. Give vent to your intolerance! Religious hate has never been so much fun. (Source: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Faith Fighter 2: This Time, It's About Respect Posted on 30 Apr 2009 2:38 amIt didn't take long releasing Faith Fighter 2, but this time around it's all about the tolerance and respect. But the Italian studio apparently wanted to do more to express the depth of its regret over the controversy and thus it created Faith Fighter 2, a sequel that eschews the theological throw-down of the original for a simpler, more reflective experience. "We regretted the use of irony and violence and this time we want to offer you a positive, nonviolent educational game that teaches the universal values of tolerance and respect," the company said in a brief note. "This is a very simple game that can be played by children of all ages, religious leaders and even journalists!" The rules are simple: "Faith Fighter 2 is a game about tolerance. Your goal is to give love and respect to all the religious entities on the screen," the game's load screen says. It may not offer as much in pure gameplay as the original Faith Fighter, but it does serve as a rather pointed response to the outcry and the real fun, I think, will be in watching the responses of those who were offended by the first game. Tolerance, respect and love can't be offensive, right? (Source: The Escapist Magazine) Dah setahun permainan ini dilancarkan, dan masih boleh dimain walaupun OIC arahkan utk menarik balik permainan ini. Versi pertama Faith Fighter berunsur kekerasan. Goal adalah ala-ala Street Fighter. Versi kedua konon lebih penyayang. Goal adalah tunjukkan kasih sayang. "Tolerance, respect and love can't be offensive, right?" Apekah? Tak perlu cakap mereka nie teruk, sbb teruk bukan perkataan terbaik utk menggambarkan mereka. Aku rasa aku tak perlu komen. Sekadar rasa marah, benci, geram, maki hamun pastu tido, xde maknanya. Lakukan sesuatu demi mempertahankan Junjungan Besar kita. Tp apa? Dan bagaimana? Doa adalah senjata utama. Biarkan mereka menerima pembalasan setimpal. Azab Dia amatlah berat. Cukupkah sekadar berdoa? |
Friday, May 1, 2009
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