Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fatinn v Iynas - Gossip Girl

Me and Fatinn, we did a quiz! It's a battle, well sort of, between me and Fatinn, sape dapat character ape and who is our boyfriend in our currently-watching tv series, GOSSIP GIRL!

Let's see whether we get what we want, hehe.

We did two quizzes.

1. "Which Gossip Girl Character are You?"
2. "Who is your Gossip Girl Boyfriend?"

The rules:
- Buat serentak
- Publish kat blog serentak
- Kene teka pihak satu lg dapat ape for both quizzes

So, saye memilih utk teka Fatinn punye dulu.

For 1st quiz, saye teka Fatinn ialah JENNY HUMPHREY!

For 2nd quiz, saye teka CHUCK BASS!


As if for me, these are the results that i got:

1st quiz:

2nd quiz:

I like the 1st one but i don't like the 2nd one. I am happy that i am Dan Humphrey but i'll be happier if my boyfriend is Dan Humphrey. After mase 1st question for the 2nd quiz tu, die tanye ciri2 and i remember i chose loyal as one of them. Nate, loyal? So not! Kejap nak Vanessa, kejap nak Jenny.

Dan Humphrey and Nate Archibald, couples? Eww~


So fun! Jom Fatinn buat kuiz laen plak! :-P


  1. wah!! seri! awak betol satu kite betol satu!!

    ey, kenape awak teke kite Jenny Humphrey plak??

    kenape kenape???

  2. ntah kte pon x tau nape kte teke awak jenny. kte rase jer nak teka awak dapat jenny.

    my instinct is good~


  3. sy suke chuck jugak!!! chuck boyfren sy laa! =P

  4. omg syieq, kamu suke chuck?? x ramai pompuan suke chuck tau..selalunye lelaki yg suke chuck..

    kenape kamu suke chuck??

  5. hmmm xtau laa sy rase die smart n sgt penyayang (-_^) ehehehe...kenape ek kamu suke chuck??

  6. saye x suke chuck! die ego! x dinafikan die caring tp ego die lg tinggi dari caring tu mmg smart laa kan, kaya giler tuh..haha..
