Monday, December 15, 2008

I have no idea what is wrong with me

I have four journals to be submitted this Friday.

I work 19 hours per week.

That's physical.

Emotionally, a lot more has happened and is happening.

Sometimes i become mean, and sometimes i become pathetic.

Sometimes i'm a girl with no feelings, and sometimes i'm a girl with full of unnecessary feelings.

The feelings i should not feel, i felt it.

The things i should not do, i did it.

I don't know what is right and what is wrong anymore.

I am trying hard to avoid myself from being insane.

I need to talk to a neutral person.

Someone who doesn't know my surroundings.

Someone who is not judgmental.

Someone who can give me advices without me resisting to follow them.

Besides Him, I think i need to talk to a professional psychiatrist.


  1. ey dear.. apesal nie? r u ok??

    ish, risau saye..

  2. woo, bahaya ni.

    jgn jadi mcm saya, psiko.

    tapi, kita memang perlukan professional psychiatrist. setuju tu.
