Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A post of a...


31 and single.

Certainly not something that I dream my life would be back when I was in my early 20s. My dream - at 31 years old, I already have a child. Or at least, married. Far from being desperate (if that's what lingers in your mind), I have always thought that having a child at an early age, then become your best friend when the child grows older is cool. Pengaruh cite Gilmore Girls kuat sangat nieh. Lol.

Having said that, this blog itself has reached 10 years old this year :-) *just for my note*

To state here that I pernah putus tunang more than one time is not something that I proud of, neither embarrassing at this point of time. The climax was in year 2015, where everything was running smoothly, until the rest became history and memory :-)

I am not a person who's easily giving up. But maybe this time, I just have to and let everything flows naturally. Putting my dream aside now, I'm thankful that within my two-recovery-year (where I push myself really hard sebab rasa marah sangat dengan diri sendiri yang lembik dan lemah), I berjaya prove to myself that I still am the same person who is not giving up so easily in achieving what I want. I may not be the top scorer, but I will never let myself down that easy.

Semoga Allah mudahkan urusan kita semua :)

p/s: this post was in my draft. I must have written this early this year. Just click publish without changing the title! I like it though. Sounds mysterious. Haha whatever.

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