I'm supposed to do my Call Report when I received a news that another friend of mine has left the Bank.
Berturut-turut. Dua orang dalam masa sebulan. Seorang lagi dalam dua bulan lepas. Itu belum termasuk orang-orang dalam department aku ada laa dalam 3 ke 4 orang blah dalam masa sebulan, bulan lepas.
Ironinya, semakin ramai juga teman-teman sekolah join this bank. Ouh but one of them also left last June after more than 3 months joining the Bank. So I can say that the staff turnover here in the Bank is quite high.
Turn sape pulak lepas nie?
Tak nampak lagi kemungkinan itu dalam masa terdekat.
Terfikir yang aku tidak se'adventurous' teman-teman sebaya. Mereka masih muda, tenaga banyak. Ape kelas duduk je kat ofis buat keje-keje akaun dan finance. Kalau nak dikira dari segi gaji dan benefit, it's the largest Bank! Shouldn't be because of that.
Perhaps it's because of the work scope and the career development itself. Tapi kalau nak dikira pasal adventurous, work hard and everything, where is your work/life balance? Yes, I do admit that I am a conservative type of person, I do not believe working until late at night is good for the surroundings, for people.
But as my sis-in-law said, "Sampai satu tahap, tak dapat elak". Coz both of them seriously working till late at night. Mujur anak-anak da besar dan ada pembantu. But still, for me it's not a guarantee. New Zealand lifestyle is the ideal one (NZ lagi. Nak buat canne, negara tu je selain Malaysia aku pernah tinggal lama).
Which comes to the main point, COMFORT ZONE. I don't deny that I've found my comfort zone. I found my work/life balance here (I hope so). But being in comfort zone too long, is not good for self-development right? People would want to see my progress, my contribution.
Tapi takkan sampai kena kerja macam robot?
Di Malaysia orang keje macam robot sebab gaji tak setimpal dengan keje. Orang kene kerja lebih nak dapatkan duit lebih tapi masih tak setimpal.
Aku pulak macam mana? Dah rasa setimpal sampai tak perlu bekerja keras sangatkah?
Persoalan menarik.
Lebih menarik, nak ke aku tinggalkan comfort zone aku? Aku kena tinggalkan aktiviti malam, tiada masa untuk diri, keluarga, rakan-rakan. Hanya untuk menjadi seorang orang muda yang banyak tenaga, aktif, adventurous?